Rockets Adventures is a real life multiplayer RPG. Adventure with your party while simultaneously playing side by side with another group. While you adventure at your table, it could very well effect the events at another table, and vice versa. Each party may follow a path, but in time they all connect into one massive event!
When: Every Monday at 6:30pm-9:30pm (Kids: 6:00pm-8:30pm)
Character creation: 5:00pm
Entry Fee (Weekly): $5
-Anyone can join! Players will be able to attend every week or whenever they feel like it. Your first few sessions will be one-shot stories/missions to help gauge your play level and introduce you to the game. From there we’ll find you a home in an ongoing campaign with one of our veteran Dungeon Masters!
-There will be a set amount of Dungeon Masters provided by Rockets. Each DM will adventure with 6 players. All modules are original stories written by Rockets Adventures. Our veteran DM’s can assist with character creation along with answering any questions you may have regarding Dungeons and Dragons.
-Every week you’ll receive raffle tickets with your entry fee. Raffles will vary every week!
Please feel free to reach out to us regarding large order specials!