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TC’s Rockets is Comic Book, Toy, and Game shop local to sunny San Diego, California! We host all kinds of events and sell anything geek, nerd, or pop culture.
Created in 2015, TC’s Rockets was the dream of business owner Steve Lirley. Steve wanted to recreate the feel of walking down massive Toy ailes and digging through comic books from when he was young. With the help of his lifelong friend, Preston and his son Chase TC’s Rockets was born. Starting in La mesa their small 2,000 square foot store had been easily outgrown. After 3 years they picked up shop and moved it over to Waring Rd. An 8,000 Square foot super store. With quadruple the room, TC’s Rockets made a massive jump! Now They run a yearly convention, San Diego Rocket Con. Along with that they are also expanding their store even more by adding a restaurant next door. Be sure to Check out Rockets Pizza and Subs while supporting your Local comic book store!